VentureSure Travel Insurance


VentureSure provides a wide range of benefits that are ideal for individuals, couples and families.

There are three levels of cover to choose from – Silver, Gold and Platinum. You can find a full summary of cover table on the policy wording. This contains details of which cover limit applies to each product.

The list below gives all of the key features of the policy. To find out more about each one, click on it and more information will appear.

If you have a medical problem while you are on your trip, 24-hour worldwide medical & emergency assistance is available to you for the duration of your trip(s) by calling +44 (0)203 137 6512.

You will be connected to an English speaking doctor from anywhere in the world. The appointments can be held over the phone, using an internet browser or the Doctor Care Anywhere app.

If you require emergency medical assistance please also call +44 (0)203 137 6512.

Venturesure offers three levels of cover: silver, gold and Platinum. These options allow you to choose cover that works best for you and your party.

Cover limits are up to £10,000,000 for Emergency Medical Expenses, £3,000 for Cancellation or cutting your trip short and £2,500 for Personal belongings and money.

Please see the policy wording for full details.

If you find yourself in a medical emergency, the policy provides cover for up to £10,000,000 for emergency medical and repatriation expenses. This also includes up to £400 emergency dental treatment.

You are also entitled to up to £50 (up to a maximum of £1,500) for every 24 hours you are in hospital or confined to your accommodation on the advice of a medical practitioner.

If you need to cancel or cut short your trip, your policy covers any lost holiday payments of up to £3,000. 

If your belongings are accidentally lost, damaged or stolen whilst on your trip, you are covered up to £2,500 (up to £500 per single article). These include baggage, valuables, essential items, and personal money.

Additionally, if your baggage is delayed you will receive up to £50 (up to a maximum of £250) for every 24 hours

Winter Sports cover is available for activities such as Skiing, snowboarding, snow carting and ice skating. It can be added to all cover levels for an additional premium and will cover events such as accidental loss, theft of or damage to your own ski equipment, and hiring replacement equipment for the duration of the trip.

It also covers in the event that the ski facilities are closed due to a lack of snow or too much snow. When selected and purchased, it will appear on your policy schedule document.

Trips of up to 21 days are covered and there is an age cap of 64 years.

You are covered for a wide range of sports and activities without charge when you’re participating on a recreational and non-professional basis during any trip.

There are also an additional 3 activities packs available for an additional premium.

If you are participating in any other sports or activities that are not included, please contact us. We may be able to offer cover for an additional premium.

Please see the policy wording for full details and specifics of all the activities included.

Click here to read the Insurance Policy and Product Information Documents.